Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Job You Didn’t Know You Had

For a brief moment, imagine that you were assigned a task—a significant responsibility that would impact the remainder of your life—at some point in your life. You were told you would have to care for a person every single day, ensuring their well-being growth, and happiness. For whom would you search? Who is this person that needs your attention? Initially, you may consider a child, a spouse, or even a friend. But what if I told you that you are the one in this photo? 

Yes, taking care of yourself is your job—the most important, lifetime job there is. You might be surprised to hear this, but we often ignore this fact. Our parents or other primary caregivers assumed this role for us as kids, providing us with support and affection. But what happens when we grow older when the hand-holding lessens, and we begin to step into independence?

As we transition from childhood to adulthood, we often assume that someone else will continue to care for us—whether it’s a partner, friends, or society at large. We look outward for validation, love, and support, forgetting that the person most responsible for our well-being is staring back at us in the mirror. This isn’t about being selfish or self-centered; it’s about recognizing that you are the custodian of your own life, health, and happiness.

When you wake up every morning, ask yourself, "If I were taking care of this person—myself—what would I do today?" as you contemplate your day ahead. It's amazing how much this little perspective adjustment can change. You start making decisions that truly represent your needs and values rather than allowing self-doubt or outside pressures control your behavior. You begin to give yourself the same thought and attention that you would give to a loved one.

Being kind to yourself is a daily habit that involves making the effort to put yourself first at all times. It's not just a passing emotion. It all comes down to selecting the people, pursuits, and settings that uplift you rather than deplete you. And here’s the thing—you don’t even have to like yourself all the time to start this practice. Liking yourself comes later, in those moments of pride when you realize you’ve made choices that honor who you are.

So, as you move forward, remember that you are the caretaker of your own life. This role is not just about survival; it’s about thriving, about making decisions that lead to a more fulfilling and joyful existence. The job you didn’t know you had is, in fact, the most important one you’ll ever undertake. Embrace it with the love and dedication it deserves, and watch as your life transforms from the inside out.

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