Sunday, August 11, 2024

Finding Growth in the Moment

Not too long ago, I recall becoming caught up in what seemed like a dead-end circumstance. It was annoying since I was having trouble understanding why I was there or how it could be useful. But then I thought back to the lessons I had heard from Bashar some years before. At that point, everything began to make sense.

In case you don't know, Bashar is an entity channeled by Darryl Anka, who claims to share insights on metaphysics, self-empowerment, and the nature of reality to help individuals achieve personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Now back to the story, the notion that you are exactly where you should be at this exact moment is one that Bashar discusses frequently. At first, I didn't think it was very significant. Who wants to think that they should be struggling with a job they don't love or getting trapped in traffic? But I later made the decision to try it out and to change my viewpoint. What if I began searching for the reasons I was there in the first place, rather than resisting my present situation?

This change in viewpoint was revolutionary. I started to view my circumstances as stepping stones rather than as a problem. When the lessons weren't immediately apparent, that meant that there were still things to learn. It's similar to when the main character in a movie is in a difficult situation; even though they don't reveal it, you know there's a reason why. Everything makes sense in the end - unless it is a Hitchcock Movie, where nothing makes sense!

I used to be locked in situations that I thought were unfulfilling. However, when I ultimately chose to use Bashar's strategy, rather than to push back, I leaned in. I began to wonder, "What is this situation attempting to teach me? How can this experience help me grow? As I stopped resisting and started studying, sure enough, things started to shift. My journey eventually led me to a far more satisfying route as a result of the new abilities and relationships I made.

It's strange because, looking back, I find myself laughing at how obstinate I was. I nearly lost out on all that was going well because I was preoccupied with what wasn't working. The more you struggle against it, the worse it gets. It's like being stuck in quicksand. But things aren't as bad as they seem if you take a deep breath, take a step back, and start looking for a way out.

If I learned something it was to attempt to change the perspective if you're feeling trapped or wondering why you are where you are. It's likely more significant than you think when you recognize that there is a reason you are in this place at this very moment. Accept it instead of fighting it. Who knows? Perhaps in the future, you'll look back and chuckle as well, understanding that the exact thing you were opposing was essential to your development.

Remember that life is a marathon rather than a sprint. It's about savoring every step—even the ones that initially appear meaningless or even hurtful. Thus, inhale deeply, smile, and know that you are exactly where you should be, acquiring the necessary knowledge for your better future. Accept the journey—everything is a part of the experience!

Have a great life!

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