Thursday, October 3, 2024

 Fear is Your Friend

Fear. It’s a word that can bring a rush of discomfort and anxiety. We’re conditioned to believe fear is something to avoid, suppress, or overcome. But what if we could transform our relationship with fear? What if we could see it as an ally rather than an enemy?

I first encountered this unique perspective through the teachings of Bashar. For those who may not be familiar, Bashar is a multidimensional being channeled by Darryl Anka for over 35 years. His teachings focus on empowering individuals by helping them align with their true selves. One of Bashar’s most profound teachings is his perspective on fear, and it radically changed my understanding of it.

Bashar explains that fear is not a force to be feared (ironically) but a signal. It’s simply an indicator of where we’re out of alignment with our true nature, our core beliefs, or our path of growth. Fear appears when we believe something negative will happen, or when we’re holding onto limiting beliefs about our abilities or our future. According to Bashar, fear is neutral—it’s the meaning we assign to it that shapes how it affects us.

The most eye-opening part of this teaching is how Bashar equates fear with excitement. He often says, “Fear and excitement are the same energy.” The only difference is how we interpret that energy. When we view it through a lens of negativity, it becomes fear. But when we see it with possibility, it becomes excitement. This simple shift in perspective is powerful.

Let’s take a real-life example. Imagine you’re about to launch a new business or make a major life change. Fear starts creeping in with questions like, What if I fail? What if I’m not good enough? But what if, instead of allowing these fears to paralyze you, you ask: What is this fear really telling me?

Fear is not a stop sign. It’s a mirror, reflecting areas of growth and parts of ourselves we’ve yet to fully embrace. Bashar’s teaching is clear: fear shows us where we still hold onto outdated beliefs or where we don’t fully trust ourselves. It’s an invitation to question these beliefs, examine them, and realign with who we truly are.

In my own journey, when I began to embrace this mindset, fear transformed into a catalyst for growth. It became a guide, leading me to areas of life where I could push past limitations and step more fully into my potential. I learned to see fear not as a barrier but as a doorway—a doorway to deeper self-discovery and empowerment.

Bashar also reminds us that, often, the things we fear the most are the very things that offer the greatest opportunity for transformation. When we face our fears head-on, we’re able to dismantle the beliefs that no longer serve us and create space for more empowering perspectives.

So, the next time fear arises, take a moment to pause and reflect. Can you see it as a friend, guiding you toward a new level of understanding and growth? Fear, when embraced rather than resisted, can become one of our greatest allies on the path to personal and spiritual development. It’s here to teach us, not to stop us.

When we understand that fear is our friend, it loses its power to hold us back. Instead, it becomes a tool we can use to propel us forward into the best version of ourselves.

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