case you are privileged to have a brain and know how to use it, you'll realize that we are just fucked up!
Sorry in advance for the not very formal language I'll probably use in this post. Not my style, but I believe the only way to be totally honest about these issues.
We've been lied to basically since mankind. We've been induced to do things we would never agree to, if ... well you know, if we used our brains. Politicians are our elected representants so that we have someone to blame for all the shit that is happening, regardless the fact that it was us that put them into office in the first place. Industries only purpose is to make us produce shit that we don't need so that they can sell us this stuff for money we don't have.
Few live in total wealth, the upper class people that run and control everything while the middle class works its ass of so that the upper class can continue to enjoy their money. And the poor people, well they are just there to scare the middle class people to death so that they continue working like shit, never to become poor!
We live in constant fear, some of us, actually most of us, because the media tells us that we have to. Fear of loosing our jobs, fear of becoming sick, fear of germs, fear of our neighbors, fear of relationships, of sexuality. Fear for our security because some Godless brown people's only thoughts are how to screw us up, and by us I mean the western world or the white people. Religion tells us to fear God! There is just no safe haven for us. Everywhere we look we have to fear something, so that our politicians and the industry can offer us "security"!
Politicians offer us security by cutting our constitutional rights so that they can invade our privacy, to protect us. Industry sells us security in form of goods, weapons, fences, insurance policies (??? you got to be kidding). And talking about rights, what the fuck are our rights other than just some privileges that can be taken away every time it suits someone?
And if it is not enough that other lie to us, no, we lie to our self all day long to! And that is the worst part of all this bull shit.
We know that government is corrupt, that we pay taxes so high and that most of this money goes into someones pocket instead of it's original destination. We know that industry is producing goods that are no longer made to last, that they want us to consume more that we need. We know that banks are the worst because they manipulate us to spent money that we don't have and that doesn't exist and than go and charge us interests for it (so called credit cards are just one way to do so). We know that the world produces more than enough food for all its population and still, millions of us hunger and starve to death!
And what do we do about it? We blame the others or we find excuses why not to do anything at all. I am impressed on how people are smart enough to find or invent excuses for them self, but not smart enough to actually do something to change.
Change! Another fine illusion. Do you really believe in change? Who or what is going to change? Specially if you don't change! How is this going to happen? Some miracle? Magic? God?
You know what I believe? Change is already happening, but the kind of change you won't like. The world is changing, better yet, the planet is changing. And just as it did and does for 4.5 billion years now. Whenever something is out of order, the planet takes care of and changes it. Some call it evolution! Sooner or later the planet will wipe humanity out of its face, regenerate, create new species, maybe smarter that we are, and will go on it's journey around the sun, just as it has been for so long now. All what will be left of us, maybe some plastic.
Oh, by the way, the planet doesn't care if you are rich or not! Upper class will be as dead as the rest of us. No privileges here.
So, since you are not willing to actively do something, you might as well sit back and chill. One thing is for sure, to worry and or to fear will not help you in any way. Won't change a thing.