Inteview for G1 ( from february 2011 regarding new documentary due in aprlil of this year.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The Genie Principle - A Reminder of a Book we all heard about
Your Wish Is My Command!

I am going to take a little idea from The Secret - and expand upon it - and also introduce a principle to those of you who haven't yet seen The Secret. I recommend that you do see it as soon as possible!
OK - here's the principle: That each and every thought you have is actually heard by your very own genie!
Stick with me here - because I do understand just how challenging this suggestion might be to some of you. I'm asking you to look at this light-heartedly - as it doesn't have to shake your foundations completely - it can be absorbed in a light-hearted way - and used in the same manner.
We've all been getting told for years to "be careful what you ask for - you just might get it"!
Some of us have been told this in a light hearted way; some in the form of a joke; some in the form of reference to prayer in a religious sense; and some in a very serious way. Whichever way we tend to view this - it is in itself part of the relationship we have with our genie... our thought processes.
The Law of Attraction which is the main focus of The Secret, is about owning what we create within our lives - and taking responsibility for our thoughts and understanding just how powerful they can be.
OK - the genie principle.
I truly believe that if each of us can embrace the simple idea that we have a friendly genie paying attention to each and every thought we have - then we will learn to grasp in a light-hearted way that we do actually create our own results in life.
If we can imagine that each thought (and our verbalizing of those thoughts) is being heard, and responded to like this; "OK - your wish is my command"! "I'll get right onto that for you"!
Whether the thoughts and words we use are positive - or negative - the results will be in alignment with those thoughts and words. Too many sages down through the ages and into the present have been agreeing on this for too long for it not to be true!
Remember - the votes have been unanimous for centuries!
What we think - we will manifest!
What we think - we will become!
What we think - we will continue to think - unless we take action to change our habitual thinking.
Thinking that has been put there by life; by our experiences in life; by other people who have had the same thought patterns put there by life; by their experiences in life; and by other people in their lives... and so it goes. Generations of thoughts which have created reality for millions of people - have been passed down to us.
Right now we all have a choice: To continue living under other people's opinions passed down to us about life; or to embrace change here and now and begin to create our own positive thoughts based upon a few pinnacle principles...
Unconditional Love; Abundance; Forgiveness; Spiritual Awareness; Inner Peace (which will spread to your community, then to your state, then to your country, and eventually globally); Deserving; Kindness; and Mind/Body/Spirit balance.
Of course there are other pinnacle principles on which to base new thoughts and ideas - but those just given above are some of the main ones necessary for each of us to manifest abundance, good health, a balanced lifestyle, peace and happiness in our lives.
I am very aware that many of you reading this will already be relating to your own genie as being God, and of course I encourage and respect that thought process, and the feelings surrounding those beliefs. My reasoning in writing this is to encourage a light-hearted aspect to our relationship with our thought processor.
A genie is something that most of us can actually visualize - so being capable of visualizing someone taking notes - then acting on those notes - is one slightly different way to view the importance of how our thoughts turn into reality!
May you and your genie have a sensational week together.
Remember: "What others do or say is their stuff; how we react, or not, is our stuff"!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Miracle of Life
Whenever I feel sad, something happens to me that makes me forget all the troubles. Doesn't matter if the reason to my sadness is of small or huge nature, it all comes back to one, nothing is so big that it can bring you down forever.
So I might as well stop worrying at all and just enjoy life. Sure, sad things still might happen, but since I know that, that is the way it is, I give them just the necessary attention and go on from there.
And, since I started doing so, more and more great things began to happen, or, I came more aware of them, after all I wasn't wasting precious time worrying. The more I think about it I believe, that these great things always were happening to me. I just couldn't see them. I was busy complaining.
I am a lucky person. I have all I need, I am pretty healthy, I have good friends, I do what I like and whenever I like to do it. Life is working out for me and I am very thankful for it.
I'd like to share a very special moment I was allowed to live in the very recent past. I was invited to catch on film the birth of a friends firstborn son. It was february first when little Léo was supposed to be born. When I left home heading to the hospital a very heavy rain came down and I thought I wouldn't make it on time. But our little new friend wasn't in any hurry. I arrived at 9PM at the hospital and after several hours of labor, little Léo entered this world at 4:09 AM on february second.
Here is what happened. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Love, Robert
So I might as well stop worrying at all and just enjoy life. Sure, sad things still might happen, but since I know that, that is the way it is, I give them just the necessary attention and go on from there.
And, since I started doing so, more and more great things began to happen, or, I came more aware of them, after all I wasn't wasting precious time worrying. The more I think about it I believe, that these great things always were happening to me. I just couldn't see them. I was busy complaining.
I am a lucky person. I have all I need, I am pretty healthy, I have good friends, I do what I like and whenever I like to do it. Life is working out for me and I am very thankful for it.
I'd like to share a very special moment I was allowed to live in the very recent past. I was invited to catch on film the birth of a friends firstborn son. It was february first when little Léo was supposed to be born. When I left home heading to the hospital a very heavy rain came down and I thought I wouldn't make it on time. But our little new friend wasn't in any hurry. I arrived at 9PM at the hospital and after several hours of labor, little Léo entered this world at 4:09 AM on february second.
Here is what happened. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Love, Robert
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